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5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 1 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 2 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 3 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 1 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 2 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 3 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 4 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 1 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 2 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 3 of 0
5VZ 3.4L Swap Dipstick Drill Guide Kit - Image 4 of 0

5VZ 3.4L Rear Sump Oil Pan Conversion Kit With Oil Pan

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5VZ 3.4L Rear Sump Oil Pan Conversion Kit Without Oil Pan

The 3.4L 5VZ-FE found in Tacomas, Tundras and 4Runners havean oil pan sump in the front of the engine. This prevents the installation ofthis engine into any previous generation Truck/4Runner/T100, due to suspensionand steering clearance. When performing the 3.4L conversion it is necessary toconvert the pan, sump, and dipstick setup to the rear. This kit includes allthe parts needed to complete the rear sump swap-over. Genuine NEW Toyota parts(from the proper T100 application) include: oil pan, sump, sump gasket, pangasket maker, dip-stick, dip-stick tube, tube adapter, and tube O-ring. Alsoincluded are a tap and plug to seal the original dip stick tube hole, makingthis the most complete kit on the market.

Although the “’79-’85 4WD, 2WD Truck, SAS” kit is normallyideal for vehicles with a solid-axle front suspension, there is one exception.We have found that the “’86-’95 4WD IFS” oil pan kit is better suited for a’79-’85 4WD with the original steering system and 0-3″ of suspension lift.

This oil pan kit is also useful when performing a solid-front-axle swap (SAS) on a Tacoma/4Runner/Tundra with the 3.4L 5VZ-FE, for steering component and axle housing clearance.

2000 and newer engine blocks require drilling a hole for the dipstick. For this, we recommend our Drill Guide Kit

Install Instructions

Oil Dipstick / Pan Installation

Note: The following steps pertain to Tacoma, 4Runner andTundra donor vehicles, where the installation of a rear-sump oil pan isrequired. If the donor vehicle is a T100, the oil pan may not need replacement.See our application guide for details. If switching between a 4×2 and 4×4 T100oil pan, only the pan and oil sump will be changed.

With the engine secured upright in the engine stand, drainany oil from the engine. Drain any coolant from the block using the blockcoolant plug. Remove the oil dipstick and tube from the engine.

Carefully turn the engine upside down in stand.

Remove the 6mm bolts securing the pan to the block.Carefully break the sealant bead and remove the oil pan from the engine. Becareful not to score the engine block, rear seal housing, or oil pump housingsurfaces.

Turn the engine upright once again.

Using the provided ¼” X 18 NPT size tap, thread the hole inthe oil pump housing that the original dipstick tube came from. It may benecessary to first drill this hole, using a 7/16” drill bit. Be sure to threadthe hole from the outside of the engine. CAUTION: Take precautions to keep ALLmetal particles out of engine. If applicable: the oil pan kit may have comewith a small freeze plug. This can be pressed into the original dipstick holein the oil pump, as an alternative to the threaded pipe plug. No drilling ortapping would be necessary with the freeze plug.

Install the provided ¼” pipe plug in the newly tapped hole,from the outside of the engine. See Picture #1 & 1A

Oil Dipstick Plug Installed

Freeze Plug Installed, Alternative to Threaded Plug

If the auxiliary oil dipstick hole exists for the newdipstick (see illustration), carefully drive the original plug from the block,this is done from the under-side of engine using a punch and hammer. This holeexists on 1999 and earlier 5VZ-FE engine blocks. See Pic #2

Factory Installed Dipstick Hole Plug

If an auxiliary hole does not exist (2000 and later models),a new hole will have to be drilled in the block to accept the oil dipstick tubeadapter. Turn the engine back over in the stand. A hole that is center andperpendicular with the face of the existing landing will have to be drilled(using a U or 3/8” drill bit. We recommend the use of the ORS Dip Stick DrillGuide, ORS-EC093, to ensure accuracy when drilling this hole.

If using the Dipstick Drill Guide:

Install the guide to the block over the dip stick “landing”.This is near the bottom of the block, in the center of the driver side.

Use 2 10mm x 20mm bolts on the bottom 2 holes with onewasher between the block and guide.

Install the 10mm x 30mm bolt in the top hole with 7 washersbetween the block and guide.

Tighten all hardware. See Pic #3

Dipstick Drill Guide Installed

The exhaust manifold/header may require removal to fit thedrill, a 90 degree drill is recommended.

Insert a U-size (or 3/8” if U not available) drill bit intothe guide tube and drill a hole completely through the engine block. The U sizewill help to ensure a tight fit of the new adapter, but 3/8” is close. NOTE:this hole was not perfectly centered from the factory, nor will our drill guideperfectly center the hole on this landing. See pictures

Hole Properly Drilled in Block

Drilled Hole will intersect the bottom-inside corner of engine block

Drive the new oil dipstick adapter into the side of theblock, from the outside. The adapter will stop once the machined “step” hasreached the block. See pic #6

Dipstick adapter installed in block

Re-install the LH engine mount and bracket.

Install the O-ring on the new dipstick tube (may bepre-installed) and insert tube into adapter. Bolt the tube bracket to thealternator bracket/head, exchanging it for existing bracket.

Make sure all metal particles are out of the crankcase area.Turn the engine upside down once again. Remove the oil sump assembly.

Cover the engine crankcase components to preventcontamination while cleaning. Carefully clean the oil pan mounting surface onthe block. Remove the oil sump gasket from the block and carefully clean thesealing surface. Verify that all studs in the block are still “snug”.

Install the new oil sump gasket and oil sump onto the block.Re-arrange the fasteners on the 5VZ oil baffle to accommodate the new oil sump(if necessary). Note: do NOT use the 3VZ baffle that fits between the block andpan. Tighten the 6mm nuts to 66 lbs-in. Tighten all nuts and bolts on the oilbaffle, and re-check the torque on the 6mm sump nuts. See pic

Oil Pan Sum Installed

Apply a bead of the Toyota FIPG (sealer) to the new oil pan.Be sure to drive the sealer into the grooves of the oil pan and around themounting holes to ensure a good seal.

Install the oil pan on the engine block and torque themounting bolts to 52 lbs-in. using a “criss-cross” pattern. Make a second passto re-check fastener torque. Install and tighten the provided oil drain plugand gasket in the oil pan. See pic

Oil Pan Installed (4x4 IFS Pan)

Turn the engine back over in the stand.


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