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Toyota 3L, 5L Hilux Turbo System
The 2.8 and 3 liter Hilux turbo kit has been designed for towing and open road running using a GT25 externally gated turbocharger. With this turbo power gain will be on wasted energy presently going into the atmosphere as black unburnt fuel smoke.
The 2.8 and 3 litre Hilux engines utilising the latest technology T25 turbo gives an improvement of 100-120 Km per tank of fuel with near zero black smoke when pulling. 30% torque and horsepower improvement with reliability and an increase in engine life due to lower oil contamination. Recommended power level adjusted on chassis dynameter is 30% torque and 30% horsepower improvement above standard engine specifications. These figures have shown not to shorten engine life or increase fuel consumption. Fuel consumption figures have shown to improve by approx. 10%.
This turbocharger has uncluttered appearance under the hood. It is a simple straight forward reliable installation not requiring the placement of a hole in the side of the sump for oil drain from turbo, but utilises an existing drain presently in engine block.
Although turbo kit is capable of far more power output than stated, we have found by experience that shortened engine life will be experienced when adding 40-50% power gain above standard engine output. Stock exhaust system can be retained if desired. 2.25 exhaust is recommended. Fuel pump adjustment isn’t needed.